
Mortgage Blues

I have settled in my mind that I am going to sell the house. I got home from work last night and had a note in the mail from the new mortgage company. They are upping my payment $80 a month which makes my mortgage payment $1,000.00. That's about what I take home in two weeks and that cuts out grocery and gas money for two weeks. Not good. I will have to swing it for a while as my attorney says that I have to wait 60 days after the bankruptcy before I can sell the house.

I also got a note from my electric company. It seems they are in dispute over a payment I made. They say I'm behind $115.00 and that I owe $230. I just paid $250.00 last month and I'm on the budget plan *sigh*. That's not much of a budget if you ask me.

I know this money stuff is bringing me down, but I'm also PMS-ing so that's not very helpful. On a brighter note Carl has invited me and Aubrey up for the weekend to his place. That should be fun. He was talking last night about some dessert he wants to make for us. hehe He's such a silly, sweet man. Gotta love him.

I'll try to write a little later when I'm feeling a little more upbeat :)

kellbelle at 9:03 a.m.

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