
Feel Better Today

Ugggg I was feeling good until I lost my entry for today. LOL

My friend Johnny came over to look at the house last night and he thinks he has a couple of people who would be interested in leasing with an option to buy. This takes a big weight off my shoulders. This way if things don't work out in Denton, I will have somewhere to return to. I honestly don't think I will need it, but it helps me to move forward.

I have started to make a list of things (thanks Chou Chou) that I need to be working on and that need to get done. Friday I have the maid service coming in for a one-time deep cleaning. I will use the day to start getting ready for the garage sale (Carl reminded me that I picked Easter weekend to have it ugh) and pricing stuff.

Next Wednesday my attorney is filing my bankruptcy and I have a list going for that as well to make sure that I've included everything in that. Afterall, if I'm going to screw up my credit for another 7 years, I may as well make sure I get everything in there, right? :P

I'm feeling a lot less stressed and a little more in control of things today. Despite the fact that when I went to get gas today it told me I had no money. *sigh* I had to write a check at the grocery store and go back to the gas station for gas. Hopefully the check won't clear until Friday (I get paid Thurs at midnight).

okay, I think that's it for now. If I think of anything I wrote before it was deleted, I will come back and write some more.

kellbelle at 11:14 a.m.

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