
Weekend Recap

Had a pretty good weekend. Carl took me out to dinner Friday night (he's such an angel) to Red Lobster. I had the rosemary chicken and we had passion-ritas to drink. They were sooo good. Had an early bedtime on Friday and slept in waaaay late on Saturday. Didn't get out of the house until around 2:00. Looked at a couple apartments, had some lunch and then went to see Hell Boy.

The movie was great and Carl really liked it. I really liked it as well. It was a 'smart' comic book movie. I'm really liking the different comic book movies that have been coming out lately. Hell Boy is worth the ticket price.

Sunday we slept in. Carl brought my breakfast in bed and we had great monkey sex for many hours. LOL I do not exaggerate. It was 2.5 hours to be exact. :D But then he wasn't feeling well. His throat hurt and he fell back asleep until 2:00 or 3:00. I left him to sleep and headed home.

Aubrey came home talking about wanting to live with her dad. This shocked me a bit and I was not expecting that. We hit the grocery store and I tried prying out of her why she was talking about living with her dad. Seems he's been priming her. His girlfriend from California is coming to visit this weekend. No wonder he didn't want Aubrey. I told Aubrey that maybe she could try living with him for a month over the summer and she could see how she likes it. I know HE won't like it. We'll see what he says to the idea.

Well, it's Monday and I've got work to do. Later.

kellbelle at 9:46 a.m.

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