
Thursday is my Friday

We got to leave work early today which was a nice change. But when I got home, I had a killer headache. Got Aubrey from school and proceeded to pass out. Jana gave me some Tylenol Sinus and that helped tremendously. I will never buy generic sinus/allergy medicine again. I still have a touch of the headache, but not nearly what it was. I couldn't even walk. I had Aubrey get me an ice pack and I passed out on the bed and slept for a good two hours.

And might I say that I have the best little girl in the whole world? She got me the ice pack and after I fell asleep, she made herself a salad for dinner and came in the room to check on me. She shut the bedroom door so she wouldn't disturb me while she watched TV and played on the computer. What a great kid. There are days when almost any parent feels like a failure, and then there are days when you know you've done something right. :)

I found my spare pair of glasses. I busted my other pair last weekend after mowing the lawn. I took them off to wipe the lenses, and the frame snapped right in half. The spare pair of glasses are a really old prescription, but they will tide me over until I can save up money for a new pair. OH! I also found my contact lens prescription while I was packing up stuff in the bathroom. I called 1-800-C0NTACTS and they are HALF of what I normally pay for contacts! I couldn't believe it. So...I will be ordering them from there from now on.

So, despite the money problems, things are starting to look up again. I got the foreclosure notice from the mortgage company today. No worries, that's not a bad thing. The sooner the better because I will be out from under this monster and starting my new life with Carl.

Oh!!! Speaking of Carl, I had a really cryptic conversation with him last night that makes me believe a marriage proposal is coming soon! heee!! We were talking about money and he made some comment about having to save. When I called him on it.. I said something like "It's tough having a woman isn't it?" he said "Acck! You have me saying stuff I shouldn't!" and then quickly changed the subject :) SO my guess is he's saving for THE RING! hehe

Well, even though I slept two hours already, I'm going to Austin with Carl tomorrow to see Shawn Colvin at his parent's church, so I need to be rested up and ready to go. I've only been to Austin once with the Diva and that was a few years ago. We didn't see much because she was drunk off her ass and I was having to be her mother most of the time (i.e. keeping her from bringing men back to the hotel room). LOL I'm sure we'll have a great time and I will write all about it when we get back.

kellbelle at 8:54 p.m.

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