
Mr. Rogers Flashback

I have been meeting a lot of really nice people in D-Land recently and found some really good diaries to keep my lunch hour occupied. I'm one of those people that never leave their desk unless they really have somewhere to go at lunch or unless it's time to go home. hehe I just prefer to keep on working and get through the day. I take a lunch. I eat at my desk and read/write in D-Land, so that's a break, right? *sigh* I'm pathetic, I know.

Tonight is another night of putting crap away. I always knew I had a lot of crap, but I never realized just how much crap I really have. And I didn't even move everything! The garage at the old residence is still FULL of crap that I'm leaving behind! Sheeesh! What is it with me and crap? I think I have that weird collecting disease. At least I'm not into newspapers and magazines and unclean dishes that are piled up to the ceiling. I have been very good about throwing stuff out lately. (better than throwing stuff up I suppose) I'm proud of me.

Hehe that just reminded me of a Mr. Rogers song. I'm proud of you so proud of you and I hope that you are proud of you too. LOL OMG I really AM pathetic. ;-)

kellbelle at 4:14 p.m.

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