
Getting more real every day

Things with Carl continue to go really well. Last night we had a bump, but not a big one. We were joking around and he said I pick on him a lot. He picks on me too, I pointed out. He says "I pick on you about funny things. You pick on my faults."

I was dumbstruck. "Is that what you really think?" I asked him. I don't see him as having "faults" really. He does funny things like I do funny things....or like Aubrey does funny things. And here this man that I'm crazy about thinks I'm picking on his faults. I was reduced to tears! I was ashamed and embarrassed that he thought I would do such a thing.

Of course he was all appologetic and said he didn't mean to upset me...that he was just vocalizing things and talking them out. I know he didn't say it in a mean way. I cry about everything. But now he was feeling like he had upset me. It wasn't HIM...it was ME upsetting me. I felt very bad.

We got over it quickly enough but it really bothered me that he thought I picked on him about "faults". I guess I just need to chill out and quit the "picking on Carl" factor. :)

I will have a picture of the bird soon. He was riding the dog around the living room again last night. hehe It was really cute.

Bored at work again today. Everyone is traveling and I have very little to do. I guess I'll figure something out. :)

kellbelle at 1:13 p.m.

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