
Quick update

It's been a while since I've had the time or the motivation to write. Aubrey was gone on vacation and I was enjoying the down time. I didn't have to be "mommy" but I missed her a lot.

Carl and I had a good time. He stayed the week with me and we had lots of quality time together. He's such a sweet guy. I woke up this morning to find that he had walked the dog and taken out my trash :) Ain't love grand?

My ex's father passed away and I'm debating if I should send a card. It's my first ex, not Aubrey's dad. When the 1st ex's mother passed, I didn't send a card because she hated me and I didn't want the ex to think that I was "celebrating" or rubbing it in. He had accused me of this in the past when I sent his parents a card for their 50th wedding anniversary. The 1st ex sent my brother a card when my dad passed, so I guess I could probably send a card.

I have a splitting sinus headache at the moment and don't really feel like writing much, but wanted to let you know that I am still alive :)

kellbelle at 12:42 p.m.

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