

I have $5.00 in my checking account until Friday. How did that happen? (you might ask) I have no clue. *sigh* I hate money. Money is like magnetically my opposite pole as it is always going the opposite direction... not into my hand.. but away from it. Oh well, I get paid on Friday, so let's just hope that all the stuff that needs to hit has already hit.

Sat out by the pool last night with Aubrey for about 45 minutes. We had the whole thing to ourselves and just as we were leaving a whole bunch of kids showed up. It figures. She wanted to stay, but we hadn't eaten and I was already turning red. Of course she started crying saying "I just want to make some friends here." *sigh* We did end up going back to the apartment and changing. I made her some mac & cheese and she played with the bird and forgot all about the pool. She would LIVE in the pool if she could. She swims all day at daycare and then when she comes home she wants to swim some more. I'm trying to get some color for Chou Chou's wedding this weekend so I don't look too pale in that beautiful green dress.

Speaking of Chou Chou's wedding, I still have a million things to do. I have to pack and Thursday night Carl and I are going shopping for their wedding gift. Yeah I know...I waited but I wanted to make sure I had money :) LOL I have the gift registry printed off, so hopefully I won't duplicate anyone else. I hate it when that happens.

I think that Carl is finally understanding my feelings about us getting married a little sooner than 2006. He is never home anymore and his poor cat is a head case because she's so lonely. I told him "let the cat come live with me" he says "But then my family will think I moved in"!! LOL What a silly guy. Duh.. you'll still have your apartment and none of your OTHER stuff will be here! sheeesh Is it really so complicated? I'm ready to marry the man. I guess he's just not ready. It's my life story. ;-) But I'm happy... terribly happy. He's the best and I can wait until 2006 if I must.

kellbelle at 1:07 p.m.

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