
Career Personality

I stole this from themarassa

Extroverted (E) 60.98% Introverted (I) 39.02%
Imaginative (N) 68.57% Realistic (S) 31.43%
Emotional (F) 79.41% Intellectual (T) 20.59%
Easygoing (P) 58.54% Organized (J) 41.46%
Your type is: ENFP
You are an Inspirer, possible professions include - conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Ahhh.. lots of jobs in there I would like to have! Especially the music/artist/therapist jobs. Did I mention I'm thinking about going back to college? I've applied at the university in Denton for English as a Second Language teaching. I should hear something soon if I'm accepted into the program :) They are offering great opportunities including paying 75% tuition and 50% of your books. That would be great for me. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

kellbelle at 1:22 p.m.

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