
Another Day Another Dollar

Had a really good evening. Aubrey and I got home and changed into our suits and went to the pool for an hour. She played with some kids, I soaked up some sun and napped, it was heavenly :)

After swimming we had some dinner, I checked email and such and while she played PS2 I watched a movie. It was a little late to watch, but I started Runaway Jury. Carl came over a little after it started. I hadn't expected to see him as he was home paying bills, cleaning and such. It was a nice surprise though and we watched about half of the movie before we both pronounced that we were tired. I let Aubrey stay up a bit later than usual, so while Carl walked the dog for me I got her tucked in.

Tonight I'm meeting the ex's sister as she will be watching Aubrey for me while I go to Chou Chou's wedding. I'm almost nearly kinda sorta ready for the weekend. hehe I still have some laundry to do and I have to swing by tomorrow and pick up my shoes from the bridal shop. Other than packing, I think I have everything else under control. I need to borrow a garment bag from Carl as I will have to fly home with my dress.

In other news, I keep typing things wrong at work and it's really starting to get me in trouble. I keep transposing numbers and typing things wrong when I'm doing flood map searches. This is NOT a good thing. I really think I have some kind of adult ADD thing going on sometimes. I always have to be doing something. I can't stand sitting still at work. It makes the day just drag on and on endlessly. Of course when things are really slow and someone gives me something, I'm so happy to have something to do I just space out :( I need to s-l-o-w down I guess.

I went to bed last night with $.05 in my checking account. Ehhh I wasn't going to worry about it. Nothing I could really do about it. Woke up this morning and had money! Yay! hehe Life is good.

Well, speaking of work and money, I'd better get back to work.

kellbelle at 8:20 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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