
Ramblings Part 2

I have been reading a book given to me by a friend called "Who Dies" by STEPHEN LEVINE. It's about conscious living as well as conscious dying and it's really been a compelling read for a "self help" book. Someone gave it to me to get over the recent death of a loved one. At first I didn't know if I could handle it with the pain being so fresh, but I have really found it eye opening.

Mr. Levine says that "desire" is a prison for the mind. The only way to learn freedom is to forget desire and expectation. Freedom is experienced when we feel satisfaction (that sometimes results from desire, but only for a little while until we discover we want something else). Satisfaction comes from just allowing yourself to be. We are not the sum of the thoughts we have, of the things we crave in life, or because of what other people think of us/want for us/wish upon us/do to us, etc.

Anyway, those are the curious thoughts going through my head at the moment :) JUst thought I would share.

kellbelle at 2:25 p.m.

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