
Nearly Wedding Time

Had a busy day yesterday. I went with the girls at lunch and picked up Chou Chou's wedding gift. I still have to wrap it, but I figured I could do that tomorrow at the hotel since we don't have to be anywhere until 7:00. I hope she likes what I picked out for her. I know her passion for all things French, so hopefully she will enjoy the gift.

Today I have to go pick up my shoes (I fogot about them yesterday). I still have yet to pack, but I get home before Carl so I should be okay there, too. When he gets home he'll throw his stuff in the car, feed the cat and then come to pick me up. We should be in Little Rock by midnight.

I still haven't gotten the music I'm supposed to sing for the wedding, but I'm meeting with the accompanyist 30 minutes before the rehearsal, so hopefully I can get it down. I was raised Catholic, so we should be able to find some melody I recognize to go with the psalm.

Okay... back to work and in a bit off to get my shoes.

kellbelle at 10:39 a.m.

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