

Very busy getting ready for Girl Scouts. My parent meeting is on Wednesday and I'm up to 6 girls! :) I'm having a lot of fun planning out everything and making up the troop calendar. It looks like it's going to be a fun year.

I have another training session in October for camping. I really want to take the girls to a camp out this year for a weekend. We'll see if the parents think the girls are up for it :) If so, the Basic Skills camp is in October just after my training. So I hope it's possible that we can do it. Wish me luck on that one.

The Wellbutrin seems to be working well, but I do have a few side effects like ringing in my ears and constipation. The ears I can handle as long as there are other sounds going on...like the radio or the TV. Sitting to read a book or magazine without any background noise, however, is maddening. The other problem is painful, but I'm hoping to find a natural remedy to counteract the problem. Wish me luck on that one too. It's no fun sitting in the bathroom at work for 20 minutes at a time with stomach pains and false alarms! LOL TMI sorry.

kellbelle at 3:04 p.m.

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