
Weekend Update

Had a pretty quiet weekend. I tried sleeping in as late as I could get away with before walking the dog, but I think I was up at 10:00. I did some laundry, watched movies and started planning my Wednesday GS meeting.

I went over to Carl's house to feed kitty boo and grabbed a burger. Aubrey's dad wanted to watch the Cowgirls play, so I waited until the game was over before going to pick her up.

She was mad when she got home because it was late and she had to take a shower. But, I let her stay up late to watch a movie I got for her...Ell@ Enchanted. If you haven't seen it, it's pretty cute. The musical scenes are my favorite.

Today is boring. Carl called me this morning before they head up into the mountains to camp. It was funny because I was in the car just thinking about him wondering if he was awake yet and the phone rang :) He's so good. I miss him, but I think it's good for both of us to have other things. When he gets back next weekend I'll be at camp. I totally forgot about BooBoo and I don't know what to do about letting him out. I'm going to see if Susan can take him for me. If not I'll just have to board him and pay the fee :(

Okay...back to the grind.

kellbelle at 12:34 p.m.

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