
Another Day Down

Had a nice quiet evening. After picking up Aubrey from school, we ran over to Carl's house to feed kitty boo. She was happy to see humans and as soon as we walked in the door she rolled onto her back so we could rub her belly. She purred non-stop until we left.

I hit the grocery store after Carl's house and spent money that I don't have, but we needed food and milk. I did buy a few things that weren't on my list, but you only live once, right??

We got home and Aubrey ate her dinner, had a shower and settled into her room for TV. I worked on her teacher's Christmas present. I'm doing a cross stitch sampler. It's nearly done and I'm really pleased with how it's turning out. I'm hoping to finish two more projects as holiday gifts. Let's hope that between all my GS meetings and trainings that I can get them done.

I slept terribly. I had so many bad dreams I can't even remember what they all were except for the one where my ex-husband hated me and wanted me dead. I woke up sobbing and crying and breathing pretty hard. Not a cool dream. I went back to sleep only to be woken up again by another dream.

And I have a wacked out smoke alarm. The thing beeps all the time no matter if there's a good battery in it or not. I'm sure that didn't help my sleep any. Aubrey of course slept through it with no problem and it's the smoke alarm right outside her door. I need to remember to call the apartment this morning and have someone go look at it.

Tomorrow I have to bring in the volcano that I designed for our minature golf course. Have I talked about this yet? Every year to kick off the United Way campaign, each department creats a minature golf hole. This year it's a Hawaiian theme. So it was my bright idea that each department be a different island of Hawaii. We are the island of Hawaii, therefore we have the volcano. Ug...it's pretty sad. LOL Anyway, once it's painted and decorated I'll try to get a picture of it.

I still have to gather the rest of my stuff for camp this weekend as well. The forecast is calling for rain, and we are going hiking and doing all the activities rain or shine. *sigh* Please pray for cool and sunny temperatures! hehe

Okay... enough babble for now. I have little to work on today, but I don't type this much for the work I do, so they all know I'm not working. hehe

Have a great day!

kellbelle at 8:38 a.m.

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