
Headache :(

I have one of those icky-sicky-not getting enough sleep-headaches. Not to mention I'm sick over the beheading of another American in Iraq. What do they possibly think this will solve? You cannot stop violence with violence and if they think that will make the Americans pull out of Iraq, they haven't been watching many movies or much television now have they? Then again, you could tell the Americans that you cannot stop violence with violence and haven't THEY been watching TV or movies, huh? It's really a sad world sometimes.

A little over an hour to go before going home. Tonight I have to plan the scout calendar for October and go over the meeting stuff for tomorrow night. Hopefully just getting out of the office and driving home with the windows down will help alleviate the headache. Also, not listening to the news will probably help a lot.

kellbelle at 3:17 p.m.

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