
I'm so dizzy

I feel so dizzy today. I stopped for a toffee-nut latte to try and help wake me up. I also got a blueberry muffin because I have to have some food in my tummy before I can take my meds. I realized I didn�t even take my meads yesterday, but I was so drugged up on cold medicine that hopefully my brain did�t realize I�d forgotten.

And I cannot cool off today! I feel like I�m in a sauna, but Tammy in the cube next to me has her heater on!! Ugh I�m either going through pre-menopause or I�m running fever again. I really want to go home and go back to bed, but I don�t feel all that bad. Just tired and a little dizzy. At my lunch I will either go down to my car and have a nap, or I will go sleep in the supply closet. Yes, the supply closet. It�s cool and dark and quiet in there. That�s where I go when I feel a headache coming on. So I�m looking forward to spending me some time in the supply closet. Hehe

I have to start making my list for camp, too. We�re leaving on Friday. I got a lantern at T@rget this weekend, but I still need to get batteries and start getting all of my stuff together, as well as Aubrey�s stuff. I also want to have a few extra things along to do in case it rains or the girls get bored.

I�m kind of getting excited about taking the girls camping, but I�m a little nervous about it as well. Most of these girls have never been camping before and there are lots of bugs and spiders and critters out there. And it�s really dark. I was thinking of bringing my walkie talkies. I have 4 of them and if I buddy up the girls, that�s enough for each pair of girls to have one and one left for me. There will be NO scary story telling. I have been trying to think of some games that we can play at night in the tent, but I�m drawing a blank. Any ideas out there? I want this to be a fun experience for them�not a scary one. Games like �telephone� or something like that might be good in the dark.

I bought a tiny Christmas tree this weekend. My apartment just doesn�t have room for the big tree this year. I told Aubrey we would cover the dining room table with the large tree skirt (like a tablecloth) and then put the little tree on it and �Santa� can leave all the presents under the table. Hehe She thought that was pretty funny. I have some very cute, tiny SpongeBob ornaments that I�m going to decorate the tree with. I will have to take some pictures of my sponge paraphernalia.

I got the new John Mayer CD this weekend called Heavier Things. It�s okay. I like his first CD more. It seems that almost all the songs sound alike. I also geeked out and bought the Definitive All-Time Greatest Hits of John Denver. Yeah I know� Barry Manilow, John Denver�. When will it end? Lemme clue you in� it won�t. I�m a big music geek. I can�t help it. I�m a sucker for a good ballad. And nobody does it like John Denver or Barry Manilow

kellbelle at 10:26 a.m.

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