

I�m tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. I have been sleeping just fine, but being sick makes work a struggle. I don�t necessarily feel bad. My head hurts a big and I have a lot of drainage going on, but I�m so damn tired it�s a little hard to function. It doesn�t help that it�s a dark and rainy afternoon. You have no idea how much I would love to be at home in bed right about now.

Camping is coming up this weekend and it�s supposed to be the first freeze of the season. Greeeeaaaat. LOL I�ll be freezing my butt off with 6 little girls. Just please pray that it doesn�t rain, okay? That�s all I ask for.

I thought that by writing in the journal I would at least have some motivation to stay at my desk, but this is actually making my brain hurt, so I�m going to cut out now and find a place to lay my head down for a little while.

kellbelle at 1:32 p.m.

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