
Barry Fever

I just got an email from Mon and she�s sick with strep, a high fever, and can�t go to see Barry now. That really sucks. I don�t mean for me�but for her. I know how she was looking forward to going. I told Carl that she was sick and that he had to go with me. His reply was �When is it? Can I find someone from my work to go with you?� What an ass. LOL I told him no thanks, that if I can�t find someone I�ll just go by myself. I shouldn�t complain. He�s great in lots of other ways. He doesn�t like Barry so he shouldn�t have to suffer through it. I get it. Problem is I don�t really know anyone else who could go with me, or who wants to go. That was the whole reason I didn�t try to get tickets when they first came out. I didn�t have or know of anyone to go with. When Mon said she wanted to go I jumped at the chance. Sorry Mon� not trying to make you feel bad!! LOL Just venting. Even sweet, nice men suck sometimes, huh? LOL

We didn�t do much last night. Carl was really tired. Work has been really busy for him and someone from the Board was going to be there today. I called to see if he wanted lunch today and he told me �maybe�. I don�t like maybe. You do or you don�t, you can or you can�t. So I told him never mind we�d do it next week and he says �Yeah that would be better.� Why didn�t you just tell me that? LOL

Anyway, we ate subs and Carl left by 7:00. I spent some of the evening in Aubrey�s room going through her clothes and moving things around. She has tons of shorts and stuff that had to be put up. I moved all of her summer clothes into her closet and all of her long pants and long sleeved shirts from the closet into her dresser. This weekend while she�s with her dad I plan on going through her closet again and thinning out her stuffed animal supply and toys she doesn�t play with. Then I�ll make a run to Good Will. I really need to start de-cluttering my office too. If Carl is going to be moving into my apartment, I need to start making room for his stuff. I have a lot of my own stuff that I could get rid of. I�m such a packrat.

Carl just emailed me and said �I was only joking�. I seriously doubt that, but at least he�s smart enough to know when he might be sleeping alone. LOL Hopefully he�s learning the things he can joke about and the things that I take to heart. (read between the lines: I take EVERYTHING to heart!)

My guest list is coming along nicely. I even have some Dland people coming! I�m so excited. Several I have talked with for a few years but never met in person. What a great time to meet someone face to face. Hopefully a cross-country trip (for some of them) will be worth meeting me! LOL

I also have my attendants picked. I don�t think Carl quite knows who to pick just yet, but I have picked Becky as my Maid of Honor. Chou Chou, Jana and Aubrey are my attendants. Jana�s daughter is going to sprinkle flower petals. I called home yesterday and asked my family to spread the word. I�m not sure who will be able to come, but I want them to know that they�re welcome. Most of them have never been to Texas, so I thought it might be a fun time to visit.

Well, I guess I�d better get back to work. I don�t have much to do, but I have been so off the wall this week I need to do something to keep from going crazy. Hehe Have a great day/weekend everyone.

kellbelle at 9:01 a.m.

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