
What goes thru a groundhog's mind?

It appears that Phil has seen his shadow and we will have six more weeks of winter. We did not get any snow from the "snow advisory" that came out yesterday. We got the cold though. I won't tell you what the temperature is because Mer will yell at me and Terri will laugh at me. heh I wonder what goes through poor Phil's mind at this time of year.

:::Phil sticks his head out of the hole, looks down at his shadow and says::: "Damn I'm fat!! I can't let the media see me this way!" And works out and does his Atkin*s diet for a year and the next year he's not scared.

I was going to go in for a massage today. My shoulder is just killing me. I called up a place and asked for 1/2 hour and they just called me (about 30 minutes before my appointment) to tell me they had to cancel, do I want to reschedule. WTF? Since when is it cool to drop an appointment 30 minutes before it's due. The reason? She was out to lunch. Don't tell me that a 12:30 appointment is okay and then go out to lunch!! sheesh

So here I sit eating my ramen noodles. Does anyone else only eat the noodles? I boil it with the flavoring in there, but I never have the "soup" part. I only eat the noodles. heh These noodles were in my cupboard forever and I finally put them in my bag this morning. Aubrey saw me do it and she says "Oh man.. I love those! Are you taking them??" Sheeesh I take them to get rid of them and suddenly she "loves" them. You can never win with kids, ya know?

Big scout meeting tonight. We talk about our cookie money. I'm so proud of them. 5 out of 7 girls sold over 200 boxes each and one sold over 400!! We earned about $700 for our troop. They are so awesome. We've decided not to go to horse camp, so instead of doing one big thing, we're going to try and do several smaller things. I suggest Build*A*B*ear workshop and they flipped. Now I just need to research how much an average one costs so that we can budget the remining money to other stuff. I still would like to take them camping at the tee-pee. That won't cost nearly as much as horse camp since we don't have to pay to actually be there. The only costs associated will be for food, transportation and crafts. Carl's step-mom even said she'd help out.

We're also going ice skating on the 12th. I'm hoping that her dad will still let her come, even though it's his weekend to have her. The following weekend Aubrey has some drill team/dance workshop that I signed her up for. She's going to have a blast at that. I still haven't gotten the confirmation of her enrollment yet. I hope they didn't fill up and I missed out getting her registration in on time. I'm such a bad mother! hehe What Aubrey doesn't know is that I have been trying to find somewhere for her to take dance lessons. We'll see how much they are and if I can afford them or not.

I'm finally going shopping with my Matron of Honor for her dress and I just remembered that I still have to get Aubrey one, too. But it will be a chance for me to look at jewelry and get some shoes for myself. I've been afraid to total up how much this wedding is costing us, but some things are now completely paid for, so no worries right? RIGHT?? *sigh*

Carl and I found the song that we will dance to. Van*M*orrison's "H*ave I told Y*ou lately that I *love*You". He titles emails that way all the time. It's perfect. The rest of the night will be a fun fest of 80's songs including "I'll*s*top*t*heworld*and*M*elt*with*y*ou". Hehe That's one of the first songs we danced to. I don't really have to worry about other songs. There won't be a father/daughter dance since my father is no longer of this world. Maybe I can get Carl's dad to substitue? Is that tacky?

I was just thinking the other day...I'm going to have two mothers-in-law and two fathers-in-law. Sometimes life just isn't fair ;) Pray for me.

This has turned into a much longer entry than I originally inteded. It's nice to actually have some time to write things out instead of doing them in a W*rd document and writing when I can. So, I will leave you with that. Enjoy your day and the six more weeks of winter.

kellbelle at 12:14 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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