
GS Cookie Pickup

So, I drove to the council house and picked up over 100 cases of GS cookies. The poor guys loading the cars were so funny. They were these huge guys carrying 6 or 7 cases at a time and my kids were carrying like ONE case. LOL

We have our first booth sale on Sunday night from 6-8 in front of Bl*oc*kbuster. I'm hoping that a Sunday night won't be a dud night.

I came home from unpacking cookies out of my car STARVING (gee I wonder why) so I had a baked potato and some wine in a box!! Lovely red sangria in a box no less. MmmMmMMM nummy. So now I'm just chillin while Carl and Aubrey watch cartoons. I think we're making an ice cream run in a little bit. Not sure how I feel about ice cream right now after feeling sicky all day, but hell...I'm drinking wine. LOL Ice cream can't do too much worse I guess.

None of my budds are online, so I guess this is going to be a very short entry. I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow to take Aubs to cheer camp and then open our GS troop bank account. Then Carl is taking me to deposit more moolah into my account so that I can make sure the attorney get's paid next week. The fun just never stops.

I also need to try my dress on with my shoes tomorrow so I can see how much needs to be taken off the hem of my wedding dress. It will take at least 6 weeks max to have it altered and that's just before the wedding.

Okay...that's enough rambling. Have a good weekend.

kellbelle at 8:15 p.m.

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