
Not to brag or anything.....

It was 80 degrees F here yesterday!! That is so wild. Today it�s in the 50�s. I will never get used to Texas weather.

I got the wedding invitations last night and they turned out really nice! I really like them. Those of you whose addresses I have, be on the lookout! I will be mailing them very soon!! It hit me like a wall last night opening that box. This is for real! Not that I didn�t think it wasn�t real, but this kind of makes it a little more �official��umm well I guess the engagement ring did THAT but you know what I mean! Hehe

Work is better today. I don�t talk much. I just focus on my job and get everything done�which I have done. I addressed wedding invites at lunch, ordered my stamps and planned my GS meeting tonight. I think tonight is just going to be a talking session. We don�t really �communicate� much as a group and I think it�s a good time to sit them down and start having some serious talks. GS is supposed to teach them leadership skills, so tonight I�m going to put two of them in charge of the discussion and let them see how hard it is to maintain order and how to handle it when everyone is talking over the top of everyone else. We�ll see how they do. Our discussion topics are going to be revolving around self worth, self image, taking care of themselves and becoming teenagers. It should really be interesting.

Delivering cookies seems to be going well. We have another booth sale on Friday night. I�m hoping we unload the extra cookies that we ordered because we are responsible for paying for all of them. It won�t be that much money, but still it�s better to have money in the pockets than cookie crumbs! I have been waiting to buy all the badges they�ve earned because so far I have been using my own money for everything. My cookie mom opened our troop account the other day, so now I will have checks and even a debit card for ordering supplies and patches/badges etc. That will really be nice and a lot easier to keep track of finances, too.

Things have slowed down and I wish I could continue to address my invites, but I�d better find some work to do. Have a great day everyone.

kellbelle at 1:39 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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