
A little bit of butter makes a bitter batter better

When did I suddenly become so bitter?? It feels like it just happened overnight. There have been tinges here and there, but never have I felt this much animosity or dislike towards certain people I work with. Maybe I�m just paranoid. Hell they�re probably reading my diary. If so, FUCK YOU.

It appears as though I will be stuck here for a while. My bankruptcy will, obviously, impact my credit rating and therefore when prospective employers do a background search, until my bankruptcy is dismissed will effect me being hired. That sucks. But I suppose it�s all for the best. The bankruptcy will be done by the time the wedding rolls around and once I�m married I can just tell them to stuff it and Carl can support me, right? Hehe Yeah sure. I would never do that to Carl. LOL

The girls have now started leaving me out of emails. They used to forward me stuff all the time. They disappear into their cubes whispering and email each other back and forth laughing. I hate working here. I may as well just move into the file room and become a file clerk. That�s all I am anyway. Did I say how much I hate this job?

I�m drinking a Coke right now and it sucks. It tastes weird. Perhaps it�s just all the bitterness I feel here at my desk? LOL

I�ve taken most of my personal stuff home. I�m sure that had them whispering this morning. I will take a few more things home tonight. Who knows. I may decide not to come back and just go work at some dumpy fast food joint, or go back to school, or something more worthwhile than listening to their petty conversations and whispering and feeling like I�m a lowly slimy thing on the bottom of their shoe that they only tolerate because they can�t get rid of me. Fast food has to be better than that.

kellbelle at 12:07 p.m.

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