
Near Death Means Bad Diet

I was sooo hungry for a 1/4pounder today that I just had to have one. I went to the bank and did my stuff and then hit big D's on the way back to the office. And OMG if this isn't a good cheese burger :) hehe I'm so bad. But this is my last one until after the wedding. I have pretty much stuck with my no coffee from the buck o'star, so I think I can hold off fast food. I just need to start bringing my lunch from home and that means actually having groceries in the house.

And I have also decided to get off my ass and start using the work out room at the complex. It's free FFS and I"ve never used it one time. *sigh* Time go get off my ass I tell you. And don't even get me started about sex. Where are those damn pleasure bots when you need them? I would have them hauling ass to rub my neck and shoulders.

I brought some muscle stuff to work today and I smell like a giant wintergreen Life*saver. hehe People keep walking by my cube going "Yum!! What smells so good?" and I go "Ummmm it's my neck/back/shoulders...want some?" LOL

Okay.. I need to get some stuff done like reading diaries, eating bad food and slacking. Have a great day.

P.S. I'm now -$400 in my checking account.

kellbelle at 11:38 a.m.

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