
100 Things

I finally found time to do this. I've been wanting to do it for a while. It's kind of enlightening to do these things. I'll have to make a mental note to do this again in a year.

100 Things About Me

1. I have hazel eyes that turn bright green when I cry.
2. I am a mom.
3. I�m about to get married.
4. I am an Aquarius with Gemini rising.
5. My favorite color is green.
6. I love to sing.
7. I play a 12-string guitar.
8. I have had cyber sex.
9. I have had phone sex.
10. I have dated two men from countries other than the U.S.
11. I have never left North America.
12. I like Barry Manilow.
13. I eat too much.
14. I don�t drink enough.
15. I can�t have red wine.
16. I love wine.
17. I have lived in 5 different states.
18. I have moved more than 5 times.
19. I have been married twice.
20. I�m about to gain two mothers-in-law.
21. I have a fianc� who calls me or emails me every day just to tell me he loves me.
22. I have a beautiful daughter that makes me laugh.
23. I love to laugh.
24. I love to make her laugh.
25. I have a high sex drive.
26. I once had sex in a pickle factory.
27. I want more friends where I live.
28. I want to join the civic chorus.
29. I like to watch movies alone that make me cry like a baby.
30. My favorite movie for this is An Affair to Remember
31. I can�t stand Meg Ryan or Melanie Griffith.
32. I think Antonio Banderas has gotten even better looking over the years.
33. I am intrigued by the way peoples� mouths move when they talk (especially on TV or in movies)
34. I drive a green Kia Sportage.
35. I live in an apartment.
36. I have way too much stuff.
37. I like to scrapbook.
38. I like to chat with Meredith in IM.
39. I love kissing.
40. I have been to Mexico and Canada.
41. I will honeymoon in Quebec.
42. I will be married in Austin, TX.
43. I prefer Pepsi to Coke.
44. If I can�t get Pepsi, I do drink Coke anyway.
45. I�m chunky, but my co-workers say I still have a cute figure.
46. This is one thing I like about co-workers.
47. Since I met my fianc�, I haven�t thought about another guy even in the way of a crush.
48. I have a problem with money (and it with me).
49. I�m in the middle of bankruptcy.
50. When I get nervous I tend to pick at my cuticles.
51. When I was a kid, the other kids called me �shadow�.
52. I used to tell all kinds of stories when I was a kid.
53. I once told David*Kachelski that the devil lived under the bridge at the park.
54. He believed me.
55. The neighborhood boys used to play doctor with me until my brother walked in and caught them.
56. It has never bothered me.
57. I made sure my daughter never plays doctor with boys.
58. Okay I lied� it�s always bothered me.
59. I was in therapy for 10 years.
60. I attempted suicide in college.
61. I lived.
62. I once put everything that would fit into my car and moved from Wisconsin to the east coast.
63. I left behind a lot of shit.
64. The old roommate sold said shit.
65. I sued old roommate and got money but none of my stuff back.
66. This includes all my high school yearbooks. 
67. I still have notes from my first boyfriend in High School.
68. They still make me cry.
69. I never thought I was attractive.
70. 10 years later the guy told me I was beautiful and sang like an angel.
71. Said guy is now married with 5 kids.
72. I have not been to any of my High School Reunions.
73. I still talk/email to one girl I went to school with.
74. She is probably the longest I�ve ever known someone I�m not related to that I still talk to.
75. I have 7 brothers and sisters.
76. I am #7 out of 8.
77. I was named after a Scotty dog down the street.
78. My mom wanted to name my sister Kelly, but the dog was named Kelly. When the dog died, she had
me and named me Kelly.
79. I have no living grand parents.
80. My daughter will gain 9 grandparents when I get married (she has 4 now).
81. My first car was a Pontiac*Phoenix.
82. I wrecked my dad�s car in High School.
83. I don�t have any tattoos.
84. I have two red moles on my left boob.
85. I was a virgin when I got married the first time.
86. I was a born again virgin when I married the second time.
87. I was in love with a Canadian.
88. I still love him, but not in that way.
89. I wish I could do more to help people.
90. I like myself more now than I ever have my whole life.
91. The 30�s have been the best years of my life.
92. I don�t have a gall bladder.
93. I don�t do enough work at work.
94. I believe in God.
95. I don�t go to church enough.
96. I don�t tell people enough how much they mean to me.
97. I love way more than I should.
98. I take everything to heart.
99. I wear said heart on my sleeve.
100. I�m glad this is over.

kellbelle at 1:13 p.m.

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