

I have decided to give the SouthBe@ch diet a try. I have nothing to lose but some pounds, right? I got Aubrey's bike tires pumped up yesterday and she was riding all over, so I figure tonight I can walk while she rides her bike. Even if it is only around the complex, the best way to start any weight loss plan is to get moving. I will also promise to try to get my lard ass out of bed earlier in the morning and at least do some stretches. I might even do some yoga if I can find a decent DVD or something so I can do it in the living room before anyone else gets up. I really hate exercising in front of other people. I've even started a diet journal, but that's mainly for myself and not really a public thing. I'm sure I'll have plenty to post here anyway.

So I'm starting in Phase I which is basically cutting out sugars and baked goods, pastas, carbs basically. My doc keeps warning me to stay away from the low carb thing, but SB reintroduces them later in the diet, so I figure going a little while without them won't hurt. The hard part is all the groceries I have to buy. Money is so darn tight. But I can still eat at places like Wendy's and have the salads and stuff, so that's fine I guess. Worse case scenario, I can survive on salads for lunches and try to have meats at home. I'm not officially starting the diet until next Monday, because I know I will have grocery money then. LOL

Speaking of surviving on meats, I promised Carl I would make something my mother always made when I was a kid... spamwiches. hehe Yeah you heard me. You grind up a can of spam (trimmed of all the gelatin gunk) an onion and some velveeta (I got all the low fat versions) and then you put it on a hamburger bun (open face) and put it under the broiler until the cheese melts. LOL Believe it or not, they are pretty good. I'm sure I'll be having all kinds of childhood flashbacks at dinner. I'm not sure what kind of veggie would be good with these, but I guess the onion counts as a veggie, huh? LOL

I still have 30 minutes of work left, but my mind has already gone home. LOL Enjoy what's left of your day.

kellbelle at 3:47 p.m.

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