
Lessons Learned

Had a long and quiet weekend. It was a long quiet week without Aubrey around, but it was nice to get her home yesterday. Carl got her a couple fish and brought his fishtank over. She was so excited.

This weekend we're going to Austin I think. I have a bunch of stuff I can bring down there for the wedding and just leave it there. It will be nice to get away for the weekend, too. His family is so great.

Work has been pretty busy which is a nice change of pace. I'm actually at lunch right now, so yay for me for not "cheating" and getting on DL when I was supposed to be working. hehe

On a more serious note, I have been hearing a lot about the Terri S case. People have ranged topics from the right to life all the way to death and dying. Having had a good friend die last week I think that the latter has been more on my mind.

When my father died, I was given a really good book called "Who Dies" by STEPHEN LEVINE. It's really more a book about conscious living and conscious dying. One part that really blew me away was reading about Native Americans. They have many rituals for many different things, but one really fascinated me. They have a death chant that they do any time they believe they are in great peril or if they are close to death. Sometimes they perform this chant many times before they ever die. In this way, they are actually "training" themselves to accept the inevitable and when death finally comes, they are ready. I get goosebumps every time I even think about that because it's such a neat concept to me. I suppose it goes with the old saying "live every day like it's your last". I really need to start thinking that way. I need to quit whining, quit sitting on my ass doing nothing and get out there and live.

Back to Terri S, my prayer is for everyone involved (be it through the media or through personal firsthand experience) that all parties have the courage to face whatever outcome all of this might bring. I think Terri is here to teach us all a very important lesson. I think we all have a lesson to teach someone or another. Sometimes our lessons reach the masses, sometimes they only touch one person. She has touched me and my lesson is to love and care for those around me.

kellbelle at 12:44 p.m.

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