
Entry #2 Today - Something to Talk About

How does one become an intelligent social observer? I am just way to diversified to ever have the energy to focus on just one thing. I love writing, but I�m not very good at it. My grasp of language is not very tight, my grammar is horrible. I spell pretty well, but that�s about it. I see so many things in the world that I would love to write about, that move me, that make me feel. But half the time I have no coherent way of expressing myself.

Drilling in the Alaskan wilderness, social security, the energy bill, civil liberties, campaign finance reform, the Patriot Act�. There are lots of things for me to choose from (which is good), but I know nothing about any of them. As I stated in an earlier entry, if I don�t know enough about something, I will not debate it. Which leaves me with nothing to write. LOL It�s such a dilemma. How does one educate oneself? You have to somehow study both sides of an issue and then decide which you are most in line with. According to Carl I can�t do that because it would be �a little too liberal� for me. LOL I listen to public radio, which seems to do a good job of posing both sides of an issue. I try to read a lot. I sometimes follow the League of W@man Voters to try and educate myself about different bills and legislation going on at The Hill. But I still don�t feel quite intelligent enough to comment on any of it. I had an Euro friend call me apathetic and I was totally insulted. Just because I will not debate my beliefs does not make me apathetic. I know what�s going on in the world and I care.

Main Entry: ap�a�thet�ic
Pronunciation: "a-p&-'the-tik
Function: adjective
1 : having or showing little or no feeling or emotion : SPIRITLESS
2 : having little or no interest or concern : INDIFFERENT
synonym see IMPASSIVE
- ap�a�thet�i�cal�ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Sorry, but I don�t consider myself to be any of those things. If anything, I feel too much sometimes. Anyone who knows me will tell you that. When I was first married my husband would get so mad at me because I kept giving money to those save the kids foundations. I could not watch a commercial without bawling, or picking up the phone and trying to help a child.

I often regret that I never took any action to help as desperately as I wanted to, as deeply as I felt about the issue. But I was not college educated then, I thought I was not intelligent and, like many people, continued to ask myself �Well, what could I do anyway?�. There�s a lot people can do from home. You can send letters and emails to your representatives and let THEM know how you feel on issues. You can say thank you to them for voting for things you believe in. Or you can voice your disappointment when they do not represent your feelings. You can read, you can learn, you can do things without ever leaving home.

Well, I guess I found something to talk about afterall.

kellbelle at 1:51 p.m.

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