
The Ex No More

All the years I have been saying bad things about my ex. All the years I have been angry with him. All the time spent not even caring if he took another breath have come to an end. Today my daughter's father took his life. And I feel like a complete asshole.

Remember how I posted that he had asked me for help finding out about wrongful termination? Remember how I said it was so weird that he was asking me for help? Because he was really scared about losing his job. His job defined him (in his head). It was something he was good at. It was something that he did better than anyone else in the office. They weren't going to fire him, they were going to reward him.

So I feel like shit because he was an asshole to me and he killed the love I had for him a long time ago. I mean, I still care about what happened, I still loved him in a way. What is the most devastating is what this will do to my little girl. Please keep her and her dad's family in your thoughts and prayers. I have to tell her tomorrow when she gets home from camp.

kellbelle at 5:26 p.m.

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