
Quick Update

The ex's family is getting their own attorney, which is fine with me. I know it's nothing personal, and frankly, it takes the pressure off me to stay out of the picture. I know the laws in Texas and I know that if a person dies without a will that the surviving child receives the estate. They seem to be balking at this. I also know that if they don't get the estate into probate, none of his bills and things are going to get paid. I hate to see everything pissed away just because they don't believe me, but again, it's not my place.

I'm taking Aubrey to the grief counselor this morning and she's really looking forward to it. The woman is an art therapist, so I'm sure Aubrey will have a great time. The lady wanted Aubrey to bring some pictures of her daddy. I found a few, but Aubrey would like a few more so I need to do that now.

We're going to Austin this weekend. The countdown begins. Only 8 days until the wedding. I can't even believe it. I found out last night that Carl's parents arranged for a limo to take us from the church to the reception, the reception to the fancy hotel and then in the morning back to Carl's folks' house. I am marrying the most wonderfuly nerdy boy in the whole world :)

kellbelle at 8:24 a.m.

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