
Dreams Last Night

I never did post what my dream was about last night. I thought about it on the way to pick up some lunch. Basically it was about me going to the Ex's house to pick up Aubrey from a visit. When he answered the door, he pulled the shotgun out and shot me. Nice huh? Is that guilt or what? Sheeeesh. Anyway... the thought has been upsetting me all day and I have to keep moving and busy not to think about it because it makes me cry. It's silly really... I have no reason to let that dream upset me. It's never going to happen since the ex can no longer hurt me. I'm usually pretty good at analyzing dreams, but I'm stumped with this one.

I had another dream last night that was very strange, as well. I was in what looked to be like some kind of school. There was this punk carrying around a younger kid by the hair. It pissed me off so I confronted the bully and was demeaning telling him he was really tough for picking on a little kid. We ended up arm wrestling! LOL I threw his ass to the ground and he ran away embarrassed and crying.

I'm not sure which dream I had first, but it's funny how one dream is empowering and the other one is about being a victim.

Three and a half more hours and I can go home. I think I'm going to go find somewhere quiet and sort filing for a while. That sounds really comforting right now.

kellbelle at 1:01 p.m.

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