

After talking with Carl's mom about starting school this fall, she recommended that I go for a major in social work. This scares Carl. He blurted out the other night that he didn't think I was going to be able to handle being a counselor let alone a social worker. Let me just say that I didn't plan on becoming a social worker. Having the degree gives you many more options in a counseling career. Anyway, his comments have really messed up my thinking. If he doesn't think I can do it... I'm not sure that means I think I can anymore. It's been bothering me for several days now and I'm not sure I should be going back to school if I don't even know what I can or cannot do. Or maybe I'm just being stupid and premenstrual and not thinking clearly. That's always possible.

No word from the ex's family and my lawyer says he hasn't heard from them either. I never called the ex's sister back because I really don't feel like talking to her about it. It will be oh so much fun to tell them that Aubrey doesn't want to spend the holidays with them either this year. I'm so looking forward to that.

kellbelle at 12:53 p.m.

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