

I had an entry previous to this one today, so go back one if you like.

I think the lesson of this year is going to be about being humble. I like to be right. Who doesn't? Carl and I battle it out sometimes about the dumbest things... and who is right. I hate it when he goes to great lengths to prove me wrong and then I feel like I need to do the same.

The latest "discussion" was about flushing feminine products. I'm not talking ginormous pads here... just tampons. He told me that I shouldn't do it. I told him that I've done it from day one and have never had a problem.

Well, today there was a big problem. Our sewer main backed up and we had sewage (not a lot but enough to stink to high heaven and make you semi gag) in the showers and on the bathroom floors. Why the backup? Yeah... you guessed it... feminine products backed up the main.

Carl did not say "See I told you so", but I immediately felt like the biggest idiot (not because he made me feel that way) because I knew he was right and I was wrong. He said "It's not your fault" and I said "Yes...it is my fault". I felt like a supreme asshole and I still do.

I feel like going out to buy that laptop I need for school, but I will stay home and clean up sewage.

kellbelle at 11:51 a.m.

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