
One final to go

I haven't updated in a while because I've been feeling like shit on a shingle, but today I'm actually feeling okay. I only have one final left and it's tomorrow at 1:00, so I'll even be able to sleep in and relax and enjoy the morning instead of having to gulp down food so I don't pass out on the way to a final exam! yay!

Tonight is our last Girl Scout meeting and I have NOTHING planned. They have all their prizes from selling cookies, but I haven't even sorted them or anything yet. I guess I should do that and try to make up something fun to do tonight. We still have to practice for the Girl Scout 50th Anniversary celebration going on next weekend (the 20th). I'm playing my guitar and leading the sing-along. It should be fun, but I'm really nervous about it. I haven't sung in front of people by myself in about 20 years.

I used to perform quite a bit when I was in college for the first go-around. Of course I was a music/voice major, so performance was a big deal. And I was pretty good, too. But unfortunately, your voice does mature and if you don't use it you tend to lose it. I can still carry a tune and sing okay, but I miss the diva days. It was fun.

We're gearing up for summer schedules. Aubrey has horse camp the firss week of June, church camp the second week and camp cuz (with Carl's parents in Austin) the third week. I start summer school June 1st, so it will be a busy summer. Not to mention Aubrey's birthday bash. Have I talked about that? We're doing an American Idol birthday party. Mer, I need you to come and be Paula Abdul because I'll be too pregnant to want to sit and judge kids who can't sing ;) heh We're having karioke, Nintendo dance pad, swimming, and whatever other silliness we can think of. I do have a panel of judges (Simon and Randy and Paula, but I'm no longer up to being Paula).

Hmmm what else? Oh we finally got into the ex's house and almost everything is gone, including things of MINE that he was holding onto for me. His mom and sister KNEW that fuckin' treadmill was mine and they took it anyway. Why do they have to be such assholes??? Don't they have any idea what this shit does to Aubrey? She already thinks they "stole" everything (those are her words, not mine). So now I have to write a letter and ask for the missing items. They even took his fire safe with the tax documents and left every computer in the house except his personal computer. Yeah... it has all the financial information I need to get the taxes done, so of course they don't want to make it easy and leave it there at the house for me, do they? Bastards.

So yeah, that's about it in my world. Hope you guys are doing well. I'm off for another nap and then to study for my last final :)

kellbelle at 11:55 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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