
I'll stop the world and poop with you

It's funny how, when you haven't been pregnant for a really long time, you forget how miserable it can be. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy to be pregnant, but I'm tired of puking, gagging, farting, belching and feeling like total shit on a very warm day. Was I think miserable with Aubrey? Why yes, I was. I'm not saying that EVERYONE is miserable when they are pregnant. I've just had the misfortune of being sick both times.

Yesterday I was puking ALL day. I could barely keep anything down. Today I woke up belching like I'd been on some kind of bender and I had such bad gas it wasn't funny. Well, I felt really bad gas coming on and rather than get up, I thought "ehhh no big deal" and then shit myself. Yeah. I'm in a really great mood. Fuuuuuck.

kellbelle at 12:31 p.m.

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