
The Granny Tranny

There is a tranny granny in my stats class. What are the odds of that happening? heh

I thought for sure she was an old lady as she walked past me. The hair, the glasses, the old lady dress... and then she opened her mouth and I got a closer look at her facial features. She used to be (or still is) a he. He/She smelled like a chain smoker, so I suppose the voice could have just been raspy, but somehow I doubt it. She's in her 60's. I know because we took a student survey yesterday at the beginning of class and today we analyzed the data. No one else in the class is even close to 60.

I don't know why I felt the urge to write about Tranny Granny, I just thought it was an interesting bit of my day.

The rest of the day has been spent going through shit on my desk, old papers, paying bills, starting to go through the ex's papers that I brought from his house. I found two very interesting papers that were for mail order "supplements". One was for Prulato. Here's the description from the website:

"Rediscover Enhanced Pleasure with Prulato. The duration and strength of a man's orgasm is dependent on many factors. The intensity and the number of the physical contractions, along with the coinciding semen ejaculation, are pleasure factors that, when enhanced, lead to a much better climax. In addition to its many other benefits, Prulato may also help greatly intensify a man�s orgasm, making it deeper, stronger and longer lasting. Prulato may also allow for greater stamina and faster recovery times making multiple male orgasms possible."

Okay.. ewwwwwwwww

Next was Dromias which is a sleep aid. Hmmm deep orgasms and deep sleep. I'm not going there. The more I discover about this man, the more I wonder how long he was "off" and feeling bad. If he was mixing sleep aids with other stuff... there's no telling what that could have done to him emotionally. Ugggg I just want to let all this stuff go. I think we're almost finished at the house. At least there's that. I get so angry every time I go over there... I don't like feeling that way.

The other thing I've been feeling compelled to do something about is letting his old girlfriend in California know that he died. The didn't have an angry split ... they broke it off because of the distance. What do you guys think?? Should I let her know? I mean if it were me, I'd like to know... but not everyone is like me. I'd appreciate some input on that one. I have her email and address. I just don't want to hurt her, ya know?

Well, back to my iTunes and cleaning. Hope y'all are having a great day.

kellbelle at 3:19 p.m.

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