
Hubby Says I'm An Angry Prego

Hubby says I'm getting mean and he doesn't like it. He didn't like the way I talked about Tranny Granny and I have little patience for glib TV personalities (women) on some of my favorite shows.

I really like to watch Myth Busters, but I can't stand that chick Carrie on there. Last night was an experiement about talking to plants. They had to record "nice" talk and "mean" talk. For the mean talk, she said something like "You peas blow freshment *bleeep* [edited by tv sensors]". I made the comment to Carrie "You would know" and Carl shot me a look. I shot him a look back and said "If you love Carrie so much go marry her."

The other show I love/hate to watch is My Fair Brady. Adrian Curry absolutely drives me up a tree! She is so nasaly and whiney. Yes she's fucking gorgeous, but she's as dumb as a box of gravel. Last season she let one of her lesibian friends eat cake off her bare tits and then got upset when her boyfriend (Christopher Knight aka Bobby Brady from The Brady Bunch) kissed the woman with a little tongue. Give me a fucking break! A kiss with tongue is not even in the same league as letting someone eat cake off your bare tits... I don't care if it was a woman or a man/straight or lesbian!

So now she's pressured the guy into getting married by saying "If I don't get what I want I'm walking." Of course the guy caves because she's hot. Who cares if she belches like a fucking beer guzzling dockhand or farts like it's going out of style.

But yes, still I love the show because I hope the dude comes to his senses and dumps her dumb fucking gorgeos ass. I'm pregnant... at least I only get mad at the TV. It could be a lot worse I suppose. And perhaps for stress reasons I shouldn't watch the shows anymore, but I can't help it. So I'm angry... it'll pass.

kellbelle at 1:47 p.m.

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