
The prophet is waiting

I emailed my professor yesterday asking him for advice. This was his reply:

"Come to the mountain and ask the prophet. I am waiting...."

Hehe at least he has a sense of humor. I'm going to see him Monday after class to talk about me not getting it.

Made an appoinment with the new doctor for my next checkup. Hopefully this time we will get a picture that I can post :)

We're going back to Austin this weekend to pick up Aubrey. We're going to swing by Pop and Mimi's first since Aubrey won't be home until later in the day and we haven't seen Carl's grandparents in a while. Mimi was in the hospital last week with breathing problems. They are both getting up there in age. Pop will be 87 this year.

Other than all that, not a lot going on. I've been taking it easy poolside and enjoying my last few kid free days. I do miss her though and it will be nice to have some company around the house (aka personal slave to fetch me drinks and such).

Thanks for all the supportive comments. I have little to no control over my emotions lately, as you could probably guess. Easily frustrated and easily brought to tears. It seems the easiest way to deal with anything. LOL

kellbelle at 5:39 p.m.

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