
Monday Monday

Emotions are on high for some reason. Also feel like I'm out of breath all the time... sucking wind just to get up and do something. I need it cool to be able to breathe. I'm sure it's just allergies and the not feeling good makes me weepy.

Sleep during the day comes far too easily and sleep at night is a struggle. Going to try to do without a nap today so I don't wake up exhausted for school tomorrow. I have a government test I need to be fresh for as well as a Spanish test. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester and even questioning if maybe I should take spring off, but if I do that I just prolong my graduation and my return to the work force. Carl is stressed enough about his job for me to put off going back to work for longer than I have to.

Finally got Carl to join Costco and we did some initial shopping this weekend. He has a hard time buying in bulk because he lived alone for so long. But when I suggested we could use our membership at Costco to help fund the local food bank, he changed his mind. hehe We're going back next weekend to buy toilet paper, peanut butter and tuna/chili/soup for the food bank.

I can't believe we're at the end of October already with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. My shopping is almost done (for the most part). I have no idea what to get for Carl, but hopefully I can find something before it's too late. I most definitely will NOT be fighting the shopping crowds this year. It's hard enough (and tiring enough) to shop for groceries let alone fight crowds for gifts. LOL Aubrey's shopping is just about done. Have one or two things left to get for her.

Well, I'm going to go study and try to stay awake.

kellbelle at 1:07 p.m.

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