
A Good Day

Today has been a really good day. I did not spend half the day crying like yesterday, I did not feel sick and I had a ton of energy.

Carl's workplace had a baby shower for us today and we got a lot of really cool stuff. This little girl is going to be the best dressed baby in town. :) Tons of cute clothes and blankets and diapers. People are so generous and wonderful. Besides the individual gifts from each person at work, they also chipped in and bought a gift from the company. It's a travel playpen/changing station and it will be great for trips to grandparents' homes and weekend trips elsewhere.

I'm off to the doctor in a little while. I'm still going to tell him about my sinus headaches (which I finally seemed to kick last night). Maybe it's more than just sinuses. Because I'm over 35 I could go eclamptic at any time, so it's better to stay on top of it and catch it than to dismiss the symptoms as something else.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm washing a load of baby stuff and then I'm off to the doctor.

kellbelle at 2:11 p.m.

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