
Boys Might Not Want To Read This One

Just a warning... if you a guy you might not want to continue. You've been fairly warned.

Okay, so my stomach has stretched so far that some of my stretch marks have split and are bleeding. :( They hurt deep, too. I put oil and shea butter on my stomach every morning and every night. I guess the baby has hit a growth spurt and my belly skin can't keep up. How much does that suck?

And I have a question for those of you who have been pregnant before. Did any of you ever get jock itch? It is driving me INSANE. I have had people tell me that I might be too dry... to use Vaseline or something to lock in moisture. I've had other people tell me that it's too moist and to use corn starch to dry out the "heat rash". I don't know which one it is, but neither method seems to work. I don't use soap, I only use warm water in the shower. If the itch is too much to bear, I use Vagesil to stop the maddening itch. I do not have a yeast infection... it's only on the exterior part. No innards involved. I've tried sitz baths, panty-liners, no panties, cotton panties, you name it I have tried it. ANY and all advice is welcome.

Oh, the nurse told me to use cornstarch and Vagesil. *sigh* help meeeeeeeee

kellbelle at 9:39 a.m.

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