
The Holidays Are Here

Soooo the laundry is going, Aubrey and I got out and tried to re-register at the hospital with our new insurance for the delivery, but no one was there. Grabbed a bite at Wendy's, hit the pharmacy (going to try some miconozole for that little problem I have) and then hit the grocery store. I'm making rolls in the breadmaker for dinner at Carl's mom's tomorrow and going to try a little later to make some cookies. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I've done too much. Yes I should go have a nap, but I feel like I'm wasting the days when I just lay around and sleep and watch TV. I have some Spanish vocab words to learn and I can do that laying down. :)

When we get back from Thanksgiving we're going to put up the new tree. We bought a pre-lighted one that's 7 1/2 feet tall and should look great in the huge front window. Other than that, not much planned for the weekend. I'm just happy to have a few "guilt free" no school days.

kellbelle at 1:20 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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